Server Characteristics

The SPINCap web server allows to monitor the events from Android application that interacts with the cap. At regular intervals the application sends to the web server the operations that have been implemented on the SPINCap which are then stored in an SQL database.

The SPINCap web server was built with RoR (Ruby on Rails) version 5.x.

At the current stage, the recorded operations concern: the user’s login; Bluetooth connection; time, date and number of opening/closing actions; time, date and tank ID of installation/uninstallation of the cap.
It is also possible to monitor the position of the caps and tanks on which they have been installed. Furthermore the system is set up to extend the type of events recorded (i.e residual capacity of the tank and real time operations*) and to install plugins that allow you to make statistics on the data gathered.


(*) Previous installation of additional sensors / devices.

The SPINLevel web server allows to monitor the events generated by each SPINLevel on the field.

The events are stored in a SQL database and the SPINLevel web server is built with Ror (Ruby on Rails) version 5.x.

The typical events recorded are:

-periodic tank level

-tank fill event

-tank empty alarm

-tank spill alarm

-instrumentation pit flooding alarm

-SPINCap breaking attempt alarm

-SPINCap status change event(open,close, battery level, etc)

-ambient temperature

The system is set up to extend the type of events recorded (i.e. real time operations and data form additional sensors*) and to install plugins that allow to make statistics on the data gathered.

App Features

The mobile application allows authorized operators to control SPINCap electronic lock in an easy and intuitive way.

Each instruction is send to the SPINCap via BLE connection.

Operators, after the installation steps, can open and close SPINCap following instructions on screen during refueling of tank. Each screen permits to know the exact operation in progress and advises if there is one not completed.

A system of messages and alerts advises operators about errors and problems, allowing the management of these in real time.

It’s also possible to report anomalies through a dedicated panel.